Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Generic structure of Recount Text

     Generic structure of Recount text: Orientation, series of events and reorientation.
Here is the example:
Orientation: I was driving along to the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side.
Series of events:
Event 1 : At first, I thought a tire had gone
Event 2 :Then, I saw telegraph phones collapsing like math sticks.
Event 3 : The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the car
Re-orientation : When I got back to the town, well, as I said, there wasn’t much left

Berikut ini adalah contoh dari Recount Text
Last Summer, I went to Italy. I visited museum and sat in the public garden. Then, a friendly waiter lent me a book. I read a few lines but I did not understand a word. Everyday, I thought about poscard. My holidays passed quickly but I did not send any card to my friends. On the last day, I made a 
big decision. I got up early and bought thirty seven cards. I spent my whole day in my room but I did not write a single card. (Taken from “Practice and Progress”)
Seperti dijelaskan sebelumnya bahwa Recount Teks adalah jenis teks yang menguraikan atau menceritakan kejadian atau peristiwa yang telah lewat. Berikut adalah contoh lain dari recount text.
Last night was very hungry. I wanted to eat some meal, but there was nothing left in refrigerator. So I drove my car to the nearest restaurant. It’s the famous restaurant in my town. On the way something happened to my car. I felt something bumpy. Then I decided to show what was happened. I parked the car under the big lemon three on the left side of the road. After some time looked around my car, I found that the tire was flat. It turned out that the tire punctured nails. I was a little bit confused because it was almost 9 pm. I was definitely having trouble finding the garage to be drag the car and patched the tire. 

Untuk menyatakan waktu dalam bahasa inggris dibutuhkan preposition(kata depan) berupa preposition of time.
Secara garis besar dan yang sering digunakan untuk preposition of timeadalah : in, on, dan at. Bagi sebagian orang, masih banyak yang kurang mengerti perbedaan in, on, at.
kapan mau menggunakan in, on, dan at dalam kalimat atau percakapan/conversation.
Oke, kembali ke laptop….
Langsung saja ke contoh biar tidak panjang lebar pembahasannya…
Preposition of time :
In :
in January
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
On :
on May 13rd
on Sunday
on the weekend
At :
at 5:00
at noon
at midnight
at night
Langsung contoh soal :
1. The farewell party is……August 16th…….3:00……the afternoon
2. The workshop is……March 27th…..12:00…..the hall
3. The movie is….7:00….the evening

Untuk menyatakan tempat dalam bahasa inggris dibutuhkan preposition(kata depan) atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan preposition of place.
Secara garis besar dan yang sering digunakan untuk preposition of placeadalah : in, on, dan at. Bagi sebagian orang, masih banyak yang kurang mengerti perbedaan in, on, at yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tempat.
kapan mau menggunakan in, on, dan at dalam kalimat atau percakapan/conversation sehari-hari.
Preposition of place :
In :
in the mall
in the bus stop
in town square
in the market
On :
on main street
on the left
on the corner
At :
at school
at post office
at hospital
at home
Langsung contoh soal :
1. The farewell party is……school
2. My father is……post office
3. The Hospital is….the left
4. My mother is……the market